Команды интерпретатора AVR-DOS
Команды интерпретатора AVR-DOS — список основных команд интерпретатора FS_interpreter адаптированного для использования на платформе МиниБот.
Команда | Параметры | Описание |
"CFRESET" | строка 1, ячейка 2 | Reset Compactflash Card |
"CFINIT" | строка 2, ячейка 2 | init Compactflash Card |
"CFCHECK" | check Compactflash Card | |
"ET" | Fill Memory with Text(eeprom) | |
"MP" | Memory Pointer for MB and MT | |
"EP" | Memory Pointer for MB and MT | |
"EB" | Fill Memory with Same Byte | |
"FS" | Init File System | |
"DIR" | Directory | |
"DIR$" | Directory | |
"FILELEN" | ||
"GETATTR" | ||
"DUMP" | Dump file | |
"FOO" | File open for Output | |
"FOI" | File open for Input | |
"FOB" | File open for Binary | |
"FOA" | File open for Append | |
"RL" | File line input | |
"LOC" | File Location last read/write | |
"LOF" | File Length | |
"SEEK" | next byte position to read/write in file | |
"DEL" | delete file | |
"WL" | Write line to file | |
"WLM" | write multiple lines to file | |
"CLOSE" | Close file | |
"FLUSH" | flush file | |
"BSAVE" | save SRAM to file | |
"BLOAD" | load SRAM with file content | |
"FILEATTR" | File open mode | |
"FREEFILE" | File open mode | |
"EOF" | File open mode | |
"FREEFILE" | File open mode |