Программирование LEGO NXT роботов на языке NXC - Заметки в окончании

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Версия от 08:30, 20 мая 2009; =DeaD= (обсуждение | вклад) (Создана новая страница размером <p align=center><b>Автор: Daniele Benedettelli</b><br><br><i>Перевод: © Ботов Антон aka =DeaD=, 2009<br><br>Экс...)
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Автор: Daniele Benedettelli

Перевод: © Ботов Антон aka =DeaD=, 2009

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Заметки в окончании

If you have worked your way through this tutorial you can now consider quite expert in NXC. If you have not done this up to now, it is time to start experimenting yourself. With creativity in design and programming you can make Lego robots do unbelievable things. This tutorial did not cover all aspects of the BricxCC. You are recommended to read the NXC Guide at every chapter. Also, NXC is still in development, future version might incorporate additional functionality. Many programming concepts were not treated in this tutorial. In particular, we did not consider learning behavior of robots or other aspects of artificial intelligence. It is also possible to drive a Lego robot directly from a PC. This requires you to write a program in a language like C++, Visual Basic, Java or Delphi. It is also possible to let such a program work together with an NXC program running in the NXT itself. Such a combination is very powerful. If you are interested in this way of programming your robot, best start with downloading the Fantom SDK and Open Source documents from the NXTreme section of Lego MindStorms web site. http://mindstorms.lego.com/Overview/NXTreme.aspx The web is a perfect source for additional information. Some other important starting points are on LUGNET, the LEGO Users Group Network (unofficial): http://www.lugnet.com/robotics/nxt