Файл cc2500.bas — различия между версиями
EdGull (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: <source lang="vb"> ' Для работы функций необходимо как минимум +64 байт hwstack и +32 байт swstack ' Изза вложености функ...) |
(нет различий)
Текущая версия на 07:00, 29 июня 2008
<source lang="vb">
' Для работы функций необходимо как минимум +64 байт hwstack и +32 байт swstack ' Изза вложености функций. Максимум 2 вложености. Я не пересчитывал но параметры выставлял наверняка ' Если есть свободное время - пересчитайте максимальное для каждого значение и выставьте. '$hwstack = 64 ' необходимо для передачи параметров '$swstack = 32 ' прочего функциям... иначе не работает
Dim Cc_send_buffer(256) As Byte , Cc_recv_buffer(256) As Byte ' буферы приема и передачи Dim Cc_chip_status As Byte : Cc_chip_status = 0 Dim Cc_rssi_status As Word : Cc_rssi_status = 0 Dim Cc_rssi As Integer : Cc_rssi = 0
Declare Sub Cc_calc_rssi() 'расчет rssi согласно datasheet Declare Sub Cc_reset() 'reset сс2500 Declare Sub Cc_power_up_reset() 'reset на включение Declare Sub Cc_rf_write_settings() 'запись параметров в чип Declare Sub Cc_spi_write_patable() 'запись patable
Declare Sub Cc_spi_send_strobe(byval Command As Byte) 'посылка strobe команды
Declare Sub Cc_spi_write_register(byval Addr As Byte , Byval Value As Byte) Declare Sub Cc_spi_write_register_burst(byval Addr As Byte , Byval Count As Byte)
Declare Sub Cc_spi_read_register_burst(byval Addr As Byte , Byval Count As Byte) Declare Function Cc_spi_read_status(byval Status_register As Byte) As Byte Declare Function Cc_spi_read_register(byval Addr As Byte) As Byte
Declare Sub Cc_rf_send_packet()
Declare Function Cc_rf_receive_packet() As Byte 'если result = 0 то режим будет idle и нет пакета Declare Function Cc_rf_receive_packet_int06() As Byte 'если result = 0 то режим будет idle и нет пакета
'constant`s for cc2500 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' CC2500 STROBE, CONTROL AND STATUS REGSITER Const Ccxxx0_iocfg2 = &H00 ' GDO2 output pin configuration Const Ccxxx0_iocfg1 = &H01 ' GDO1 output pin configuration Const Ccxxx0_iocfg0 = &H02 ' Gdo0 Output Pin Configuration Const Ccxxx0_fifothr = &H03 ' Rx Fifo And Tx Fifo Thresholds Const Ccxxx0_sync1 = &H04 ' Sync word, high byte Const Ccxxx0_sync0 = &H05 ' Sync word, low byte Const Ccxxx0_pktlen = &H06 ' Packet Length Const Ccxxx0_pktctrl1 = &H07 ' Packet Automation Control Const Ccxxx0_pktctrl0 = &H08 ' Packet Automation Control Const Ccxxx0_addr = &H09 ' Device address Const Ccxxx0_channr = &H0A ' Channel number Const Ccxxx0_fsctrl1 = &H0B ' Frequency synthesizer control Const Ccxxx0_fsctrl0 = &H0C ' Frequency synthesizer control Const Ccxxx0_freq2 = &H0D ' Frequency control word, high byte Const Ccxxx0_freq1 = &H0E ' Frequency control word, middle byte Const Ccxxx0_freq0 = &H0F ' Frequency control word, low byte Const Ccxxx0_mdmcfg4 = &H10 ' Modem configuration Const Ccxxx0_mdmcfg3 = &H11 ' Modem configuration Const Ccxxx0_mdmcfg2 = &H12 ' Modem configuration Const Ccxxx0_mdmcfg1 = &H13 ' Modem configuration Const Ccxxx0_mdmcfg0 = &H14 ' Modem configuration Const Ccxxx0_deviatn = &H15 ' Modem deviation setting Const Ccxxx0_mcsm2 = &H16 ' Main Radio Control State Machine configuration Const Ccxxx0_mcsm1 = &H17 ' Main Radio Control State Machine configuration Const Ccxxx0_mcsm0 = &H18 ' Main Radio Control State Machine configuration Const Ccxxx0_foccfg = &H19 ' Frequency Offset Compensation configuration Const Ccxxx0_bscfg = &H1A ' Bit Synchronization configuration Const Ccxxx0_agcctrl2 = &H1B ' AGC control Const Ccxxx0_agcctrl1 = &H1C ' AGC control Const Ccxxx0_agcctrl0 = &H1D ' AGC control Const Ccxxx0_worevt1 = &H1E ' High byte Event 0 timeout Const Ccxxx0_worevt0 = &H1F ' Low byte Event 0 timeout Const Ccxxx0_worctrl = &H20 ' Wake On Radio control Const Ccxxx0_frend1 = &H21 ' Front end RX configuration Const Ccxxx0_frend0 = &H22 ' Front end TX configuration Const Ccxxx0_fscal3 = &H23 ' Frequency synthesizer calibration Const Ccxxx0_fscal2 = &H24 ' Frequency synthesizer calibration Const Ccxxx0_fscal1 = &H25 ' Frequency synthesizer calibration Const Ccxxx0_fscal0 = &H26 ' Frequency synthesizer calibration Const Ccxxx0_rcctrl1 = &H27 ' RC oscillator configuration Const Ccxxx0_rcctrl0 = &H28 ' RC oscillator configuration Const Ccxxx0_fstest = &H29 ' Frequency synthesizer calibration control Const Ccxxx0_ptest = &H2A ' Production test Const Ccxxx0_agctest = &H2B ' AGC test Const Ccxxx0_test2 = &H2C ' Various test settings Const Ccxxx0_test1 = &H2D ' Various test settings Const Ccxxx0_test0 = &H2E ' Various test settings '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Strobe 14 commands Const Ccxxx0_sres = &H30 ' Reset chip. Const Ccxxx0_sfstxon = &H31 ' Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1). Const Ccxxx0_sxoff = &H32 ' Turn off crystal oscillator. Const Ccxxx0_scal = &H33 ' Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off Const Ccxxx0_srx = &H34 ' Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and Const Ccxxx0_stx = &H35 ' In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if Const Ccxxx0_sidle = &H36 ' Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit Const Ccxxx0_safc = &H37 ' Perform AFC adjustment of the frequency synthesizer Const Ccxxx0_swor = &H38 ' Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio) Const Ccxxx0_spwd = &H39 ' Enter power down mode when CSn goes high. Const Ccxxx0_sfrx = &H3A ' Flush the RX FIFO buffer. Const Ccxxx0_sftx = &H3B ' Flush the TX FIFO buffer. Const Ccxxx0_sworrst = &H3C ' Reset real time clock. Const Ccxxx0_snop = &H3D ' No operation. May be used to pad strobe commands to two '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' status bytes Const Ccxxx0_partnum = &H30 Const Ccxxx0_version = &H31 Const Ccxxx0_freqest = &H32 Const Ccxxx0_lqi = &H33 Const Ccxxx0_rssi = &H34 Const Ccxxx0_marcstate = &H35 Const Ccxxx0_wortime1 = &H36 Const Ccxxx0_wortime0 = &H37 Const Ccxxx0_pktstatus = &H38 Const Ccxxx0_vco_vc_dac = &H39 Const Ccxxx0_txbytes = &H3A Const Ccxxx0_rxbytes = &H3B Const Ccxxx0_patable = &H3E Const Ccxxx0_fifo = &H3F
Gosub __main
'Расчет RSSI по даташиту. 'Для указания нужного OFFSET см data sheet стр.31 для вашей скорости. Sub Cc_calc_rssi()
Local L_tmp As Byte
L_tmp = Cc_spi_read_status(ccxxx0_rssi) Cc_rssi = L_tmp If Cc_rssi >= 128 Then Cc_rssi = Cc_rssi - 256 Cc_rssi = Cc_rssi / 2 Cc_rssi = Cc_rssi - 71
End Sub
Sub Cc_rf_send_packet()
Disable Interrupts Local Length_packet As Byte , I_l As Byte
Length_packet = Cc_send_buffer(1) Decr Cc_send_buffer(1) Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_sidle) Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_sftx) Call Cc_spi_write_register_burst(ccxxx0_fifo , Length_packet) Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_stx) While Gdo0 = 0 Wend While Gdo0 = 1 Wend Enable Interrupts
End Sub
Function Cc_rf_receive_packet() As Byte
Local L_tmp1 As Byte
L_tmp1 = Cc_chip_status And &H70 ' если не в RX режиме то включаем его If L_tmp1 <> &H10 Then Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_srx)
While Gdo0 = 0 'Wait for GDO0 to be set -> sync received Wend While Gdo0 = 1 'Wait for GDO0 to be cleared -> end of packet Wend Cc_rf_receive_packet = Cc_rf_receive_packet_int06() 'получаем пакет
End Function
' Уже нахожусь в RX статусе и пакет уже получен в FIFO буфере Function Cc_rf_receive_packet_int06() As Byte
Local L_tmp As Byte , L_byte As Byte
Cc_rf_receive_packet_int06 = 0 L_byte = Cc_spi_read_status(ccxxx0_rxbytes) L_tmp = L_byte And &H80 If L_tmp = 0 Then 'если переполнен буфер нахрен такой буфер L_tmp = L_byte And &H7F If L_tmp > 0 Then 'MCSM1.CRC_AUTOFLUSH = 1 APPEND_STATUS = 0 Call Cc_spi_read_register_burst(ccxxx0_fifo , L_tmp) Call Cc_calc_rssi() Incr Cc_recv_buffer(1) Cc_rf_receive_packet_int06 = 1 End If Else Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_sidle) Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_sfrx) 'нужно очистить буфер приема End If
End Function
Sub Cc_rf_write_settings()
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fsctrl1 , Cc2500_fsctrl1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fsctrl0 , Cc2500_fsctrl0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_freq2 , Cc2500_freq2) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_freq1 , Cc2500_freq1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_freq0 , Cc2500_freq0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mdmcfg4 , Cc2500_mdmcfg4) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mdmcfg3 , Cc2500_mdmcfg3) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mdmcfg2 , Cc2500_mdmcfg2) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mdmcfg1 , Cc2500_mdmcfg1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mdmcfg0 , Cc2500_mdmcfg0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_channr , Cc2500_channr) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_deviatn , Cc2500_deviatn)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_frend1 , Cc2500_frend1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_frend0 , Cc2500_frend0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mcsm2 , Cc2500_mcsm2) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mcsm1 , Cc2500_mcsm1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_mcsm0 , Cc2500_mcsm0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_foccfg , Cc2500_foccfg) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_bscfg , Cc2500_bscfg)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_agcctrl2 , Cc2500_agcctrl2) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_agcctrl1 , Cc2500_agcctrl1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_agcctrl0 , Cc2500_agcctrl0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fscal3 , Cc2500_fscal3) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fscal2 , Cc2500_fscal2) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fscal1 , Cc2500_fscal1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fscal0 , Cc2500_fscal0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_rcctrl1 , Cc2500_rcctrl1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_rcctrl0 , Cc2500_rcctrl0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_ptest , Cc2500_ptest) 'call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fstest , Cc2500_fstest) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_test2 , Cc2500_test2) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_test1 , Cc2500_test1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_test0 , Cc2500_test0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_fifothr , Cc2500_fifothr)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_iocfg2 , Cc2500_iocfg2) ' Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_iocfg1 , Cc2500_iocfg1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_iocfg0 , Cc2500_iocfg0)
Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_sync1 , Cc2500_sync1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_sync0 , Cc2500_sync0) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_pktctrl1 , Cc2500_pktctrl1) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_pktctrl0 , Cc2500_pktctrl0) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_addr , Cc2500_addr) Call Cc_spi_write_register(ccxxx0_pktlen , Cc2500_pktlen)
End Sub
Sub Cc_power_up_reset()
Zb_cs = 1 Waitus 1 Zb_cs = 0 Waitus 1 Zb_cs = 1 Waitus 42 Call Cc_reset()
End Sub
Sub Cc_reset()
Zb_cs = 0 Cc_chip_status = Spimove(ccxxx0_sres) Zb_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Cc_spi_send_strobe(byval Command As Byte)
Zb_cs = 0 While Zb_miso = 1 Wend Cc_chip_status = Spimove(command) Zb_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Cc_spi_write_register_burst(byval Addr As Byte , Byval Count As Byte)
Local L_i As Byte
Zb_cs = 0 While Zb_miso = 1 Wend Addr = Addr Or &H40 Cc_chip_status = Spimove(addr) For L_i = 1 To Count Addr = Spimove(cc_send_buffer(l_i)) Next L_i Zb_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Cc_spi_write_register(byval Addr As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
Zb_cs = 0 While Zb_miso = 1 Wend Cc_chip_status = Spimove(addr) Addr = Spimove(value) Zb_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Cc_spi_read_register_burst(byval Addr As Byte , Byval Count As Byte)
Local L_i As Byte
Zb_cs = 0 While Zb_miso = 1 Wend Addr = Addr Or &HC0 Cc_chip_status = Spimove(addr) For L_i = 1 To Count Cc_recv_buffer(l_i) = Spimove(0) Next L_i Zb_cs = 1
End Sub
Function Cc_spi_read_register(byval Addr As Byte) As Byte
Zb_cs = 0 While Zb_miso = 1 Wend Addr = Addr Or &H80 Cc_chip_status = Spimove(addr) Cc_spi_read_register = Spimove(0) Zb_cs = 1
End Function
Function Cc_spi_read_status(byval Status_register As Byte) As Byte
Zb_cs = 0 While Zb_miso = 1 Wend Status_register = Status_register Or &HC0 Cc_chip_status = Spimove(status_register) Cc_spi_read_status = Spimove(0) Zb_cs = 1
End Function
Sub Cc_spi_write_patable()
Local L_tmp As Byte
Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_sidle) For L_tmp = 1 To 8 Cc_send_buffer(l_tmp) = Cc_patable(l_tmp) Next L_tmp Call Cc_spi_write_register_burst(ccxxx0_patable , 8) Call Cc_spi_send_strobe(ccxxx0_scal)
End Sub
Call Cc_power_up_reset() Call Cc_rf_write_settings() Call Cc_spi_write_patable() Wait 1